NEU-ISL 305: Al-Waqf: Islamic Endowment Law and Practice(Credit Units:3; Elective; LH=45)
Senate-approved Relevance:
The importance of waqf (Islamic endowment) cannot be overstated in Islam, as it is regarded as one of the most significant institutional frameworks for societal and economic development in Islamic civilization. The concept of waqf has played an essential role in the Islamic financial system and contributed to many social needs and humanitarian efforts. It is one of the significant sectors of Islamic law which is growing rapidly in Nigeria. Therefore, a course on waqf is highly relevant in contemporary Islamic law program.
The course has not been given the deserved attention in the Nigerian faculties of law. Most people do not understand the concept of waqf and its role in Islamic civilization. The course on waqf offers students an opportunity to explore the sources and fundamentals of waqf while examining the legal, social, and economic aspects of Islamic endowment in Islamic Jurisprudence. In the Islamic economy, waqf serves as a crucial instrument in promoting social justice, redistribution of wealth, and fighting poverty, as the waqf resources are utilized in different areas such as healthcare, education, and social welfare. Educating students on waqf will encourage ethical and sustainable investments, particularly in the Islamic finance sector. By understanding the fundamentals of waqf, students will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills required to promote socially responsible and sustainable development that is in line with Islamic principles. This will be unique of Pen Resource University.
This course on waqf will enable students to understand the impact of waqf on social and economic development. It would generate awareness on the utilization of waqf resources in social sectors, financial institutions and the role of waqf in meeting critical social and economic challenges such as job creation and infrastructure development. The course on waqf will serve as a bridge between the past and the present by exploring the historical relevance of waqf in Islamic civilization and its current implications. Understanding the historical significance of waqf will enhance students' appreciation of contemporary waqf initiatives and motivate them to contribute to current waqf institutions. This course on waqf is relevant and justified, given its importance in Islamic civilization, Islamic economy, social and economic development, and in promoting ethical and sustainable investments. Thus, it is essential to incorporate the course on waqf in Islamic studies curricula to prepare students for the future by equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge needed to contribute meaningfully to society.
The objectives of this course are:
1. To study the Concept of Waqf
2. To examine the Importance of waqf in Islamic Economy
3. To anlasyze the impacts of Waqf on Social and Economic Development
4. To examine Historical and Contemporary Relevance of Waqf
5. To explain how waqf ensures Promotion of Ethical and Sustainable Investments:
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:
1. explain the Concept of Waqf and its five pillars
2.explian the Importance of waqf in Islamic Economy
3. identify five the impacts of Waqf on Social and Economic Development
4. trace the Historical and Contemporary Relevance of Waqf
5. discuss how waqf ensures Promotion of Ethical and Sustainable Investments:
Course Contents:
Concept, Nature and Principles of Waqf; Historical Origin of Waqf, Legality of Waqf, Comparison and Relationship of Waqf with other Concepts (Waqf and Sadaqah; Waqf and Hibbah; Waqf and Wasiyyah; Waqf and Miraath; Waqf and Nafaqah); Features of Waqf (Mu’amalah/Ibadah; HukmTaklifi on Waqf and the Cocept of Tagyir Mubah in Waqf);Legal Consequences of Waqf; Classification and Types of Waqf (based on donors; beneficiaries; management; nature of waqf property; legal consequences; modern innovations); Component Pillars of Waqf, the Ten Commandments in Waqf (Al-); Legal Bases for Waqf in Nigeria; regulatory and administrative frameworks for Waqf in Nigeria; Corporate Waqf within the Nigerian Law; Notable Waqf by presumption of law (Mosque; Water Well; Public Road/High Way; etc.); Cash-Based Waqf System (Cash Waqf (Monetary Waqf) and Waqf Cash (Monetised Waqf), CashWaqfin Nigeria; Legality of Non-Muslims’ Participation in Waqf; Strategies for Investment of Waqf; International Standards for Waqf (the AAOIFI Standards and the Fiqh Academy Rulings); Notable Waqf Institutions and Administrators in Nigeria; Legal Documentations for Waqf (Waqf Deed); Carriers Opportunities as a Waqf Professional (as Waqf Administrator; Waqf Manager; Waqf Inspector; Waqf Consultants; Waqf Historian; Waqf Teachers and Researchers; Waqf Surveyors/Record Keepers; etc); Legal Proceedings in Waqf (Classical Islamic Rules); Jurisdiction in the Resolution of Waqf Disputes in Nigerian Courts; Case Study of Notable Court cases on Waqf/relating to Waqf in Nigeria (Onibudo v. Akibu;Abdulsalam v Salawu;); Notable Cases on Waqf from other Jurisdictions.
- Teacher: Maryam Bornoma