Fundamental concept in Nursing as a practice profession, concepts of health, illness and healthcare at the  three levels of service delivery, The concept and nature of nursing with attention to the history of emergence of nursing as a profession. Nursing Associations and and their roles, The attributes of nursing.

The Nursing Process Outline ,components, including North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) and the NANDA Nursing interventions classifications(NIC),and the Nursing Outcomes classification(NOC).Use of nursing process in care of patients, Nursing theories and models, Values and nursing ethics and etiquettes. The role of nurses within organizational and professional ethical prescriptions. understanding scientific basics of Nursing care. Health and disease in a socio-cultural context. The central placement of the nurse as a practitioner and a member of the health care team in the context of Healthcare delivery system, comfort, safety and hygiene in Nursing care. basic procedures in Nursing such as bed making, bathroom and bed-bath, food service, and vital signs, skills acquisitions and laboratory demonstrations basic nursing skills prior to exposure to clinical practices.