This comprehensive course offers a deep dive into the world of petroleum and related energy resources such as crude oil, bitumen, tar sand, natural gas, and coal. It provides a foundation in key definitions, theories, and the global significance of these resources.

Course Topics:

  1. Definitions:

    • Understand the essential terminology and distinctions between petroleum, crude oil, bitumen, tar sand, natural gas, and coal.
  2. Origin of Petroleum:

    • Explore the various theories surrounding the origin of petroleum, focusing on the widely accepted Biogenic Theory.
    • Detailed discussions will cover how organic matter in sediments transforms through stages to form hydrocarbons, with specific characteristics marking each stage.
  3. Occurrence and Distribution:

    • Examine the global distribution of petroleum and bitumen, with a focus on major oil-producing countries.
    • Analyze the worldwide supply-demand dynamics of petroleum, including current trends and future prospects for petroleum demand.
  4. Historical Context:

    • Gain insight into the history of petroleum discovery, its utilization, and processing, from a global perspective, with a special emphasis on Nigeria’s role in the petroleum industry.